Story about Yesterday

Hello it has been so long I did not update my blog
What bring me here to write again is because of my family gathering yesterday afternoon (well not so yesterday it's on 7th July 2016).
There are so much ‘private history’ along with it but I just tell what drives me to create these writings.
So this is how it feels like, trying to write about my big family’s life
I know that every family was not perfect either. There are some conditions that made it like a wreck such as divorce, parent loss and unemployed. I wouldn’t blame for this condition then I realize God put humankind in their own way. Moreover, people nowadays tend to be very curious about other people’s life. It’s irritating but for some I think is a fake. Yeah, fake is the latest trend and everyone seems to be in style.
Why I called them fake? It’s just because they are not helping us who used to be their target. It is like this when I see my niece was not employ I would recommend to my friend to hire her since I know her ability to work. Then, the family bonding was strengthened. If I’m not mistaken this culture was build by my super mentor guru. Help others!
Just it I want to share my nonsense thought and I will update earlier with my not so life lesson in my daily life. So keep update to my blog yes!
Brand new moon brand new sun- Xavier Rudd


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